The Democratic Party continues to do things to pull defeat from certain victory. It is moronic that they would deny those who want to vote for Bernie Sanders in New York the opportunity to do so.
When Bernie suspended the campaign he did so stating he wanted to remain on the ballot to give his support base representation at the convention. That is a method not to disenfranchise the democratic process of building a consensus platform.
If the Democratic Party continues to disparage Bernie voters they will pay dearly. They must understand that Bernie voters are a movement independent of him. He just became the carrying torch. Democrats continue in this modal at their peril.
New York Removes Bernie Sanders From The Primary Ballot | HuffPost
The New York State Board of Elections removed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from the primary election ballot on Monday, disappointing Sanders and activists who called on the board to give New Yorkers a chance to cast symbolic votes for him.
Although Sanders withdrew from the presidential primary earlier this month and endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden shortly afterward, he insisted that he would remain on the ballot in states that have yet to vote.
Sanders and his allies want to accumulate enough convention delegates to be able to influence the Democratic Party platform and rules. The Biden campaign has indicated that it is open to working with Sanders on a compromise over convention delegates.
But a provision in New York’s new budget empowered the state’s board of elections to remove presidential candidates who have suspended their campaigns, prompting Sanders partisans to scramble to preserve his ballot berth.
They did not end up prevailing on the board’s two Democrats, co-chair Douglas Kellner and commissioner Andrew Spano, who voted unanimously to remove Sanders. The state’s June 23 presidential primary is now canceled.
“Their decision is bad. It’s bad for the Democratic party and it’s bad for democracy,” said former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner, a co-chair of Sanders’ 2020 bid. “It has a chilling effect on democracy as we know it, because the ability of the people to weigh in was stripped from them before they had an opportunity to cast a ballot.”
Sanders allies have also warned that preventing him from accumulating delegates could hinder efforts to unify the party behind Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.
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“A pissed off Bernie voter is not a Biden voter”.
Indeed and apparently, the lesson of the last election was not yet learned.
When Bernie was rat fucked last time, many Sanders voters voted for Trump. The DNC essentially told Democratic voters “tough shit”, the response was “chew harder” and still they enjoy that mouthful!
Chew harder, DNC and enjoy your God-King, Emperor Trump.
I didn’t vote for Trump the last time, I held my nose and it’s still bruised from the holding.
I will say one thing, I’ve never saw such a large group before that ever so loved chewing excrement!
BTW, New York canceled the primary.
So, all hail the DNC! The only party on earth lead by dung beetles.
Life is not fair.I wanted Hillary in 2016. Did I get my wish and the hope of a woman in power who could take a different approach to governing in the highest position awarded in our country. NO. Lauded by 2 previous presidents Clinton and Obama as having the highest credentials of any previous president in modern times to take the position. YES.
I wanted Warren in 2020. So qualified,Very strong character, no excess baggage to clear up or hamper her,and progressive plans and the answers on how to provide them. Not afraid of any challenge put forth to her. Able to answer on the spot. Amazing energy and drive to bring plans to the masses with the leadership required to undo the work of a maniacal President. He has been and is a scourge upon our country and the world.
Am I pissed off my choice didn’t get the nomination. YES. But would I take this out on a candidate who has proven through his life work that he cares about the people of his country by not voting for him and allowing a man like Trump gain re-election. NEVER. People who would do this by staying home and not voting or worse than that voting for Trump because of sour grapes logic I hope you realize the consequences of such a decision. The majority of our generation, [I’m 76], if Trump is elected will, go to our graves with great sorrow that those who would reek such disaster upon our generation and generations to come with their selfish need for revenge. If Warren could accept her defeat with such dignity and work with such drive realizing the necessity of helping the Party defeat Trump and keep the majority in the House and gain the majority in The Senate- WE MUST ALL DO THIS IN WHATEVER WAY WE CAN CONTRIBUTE.