Capitalism’s critics are increasingly directing those truths to the power of capitalism as expressed in the policies and politics of both Republicans and Democrats.
What Awaits Us If Pence Replaces Trump?
When (and if) Trump leaves office via impeachment, criminal indictment & conviction, resignation, or the 25th amendment – Mike Pence becomes Vice President.
Yes, America, There is a Class War, and You Just Lost It
The economy has grown enormously since 1970. So if workers did not get a share in the newly created wealth, who has it? Easy: The top 1%.
Robert Reich: The Triumph of the Oligarchs
That wave could crash in the midterm elections of 2018. If so, the current triumph of the oligarchs will be their undoing.
Let’s Talk About Sexual Assault
Not sexually assaulting someone is literally the least we can do. We don’t deserve a reward for being a decent human being.
The Political Economy of Obama/Trump
US capitalism is again careening down blind alleys. Earlier it had crashed into the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933 before lurching into the New Deal.
One Year Later: The Political Cancer Metastasizes
The events of the last political season prove once and for all that America was never what it had purported to be and the world now sees it.
What Corporate Media Failed to Learn About Canadian Single-Payer
Media responded to Bernie Sanders’ hospital tour of Canada with predictable dismissiveness and ignorance to Canadian single-payer.
John Young: Republicans are shameless merchants of debtJohn
Boasting of his supposed business wizardry, Donald Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I’m the king-of-debt. I love debt.” But bankruptcy?
A prediction about Donald Trump built on a tower of lies
His prediction on Donald Trump came through, and now it is clear that his next one is coming to fruition faster than many believe.