Matthew Dowd’s analysis may get a lot of pushback from the establishment, but the dynamics of the race is anything but the status quo at this point in time.
Panelist delivers a striking excoriation of Conservative support of the death penalty (VIDEO)
This panelist on This Week with George Stephanopoulos points out a severe inconsistency and irony with conservatives’ support of the death penalty.
Matthew Dowd believe Rand Paul could be the Republican nominee
A few weeks ago I wrote the piece titled “Don’t laugh but Rand Paul could be our next president” in which I said the following. If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, as a Democrat it would be better than any Republican getting elected. Given Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street baggage however, the triangulation used by […]
This is the best discussion on minimum wage. It should be $18.00 (VIDEO)
Matthew Dawd made the most important statement on the minimum wage. When a conservative is proposing taxing the rich as opposed to raising the minimum wage, one knows an issue has traction. When a moderate is suggesting that based on productivity math, the minimum wage should be $18.00/hour, then an issue has traction. When a […]
CPAC Did Not Listen To Gov Jindal ‘Stupid Party’ Advice – Palin Over Christie?(VIDEO)
After the Republican Party to the shellacking in 2012, many in the party started providing post mortems. The most important advice came from Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. He said the Republican Party needed to stop being the stupid party. He said the Republican Party needs to be the party that talks like adults. He claims […]