Watch how Chris Matthews and his cast of news cronies attempt to disregard Bernie Sanders by attempting to make him a caricature to be laughed at.
This Congresswoman & Terrorism Expert got it right on Chris Matthews (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews had a congresswoman & a terrorism expert discussing the attacks near Dallas. It was a sensible discussion with a Texan for a change.
Chris Matthews slams GOP spokesman for shameless attack on Iran agreement & historical ignorance (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews gave Republican operative Ron Christie a history lesson & slammed his shameless use of GOP talking points on Iran & his historical ignorance.
Chris Matthews slams GOP strategy for stealing 2016 election (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews is one journalist willing to succinctly call out the GOP for attempting the use and creation of bad laws to effectively steal elections.
Chris Matthew slams Democrats for going back to losers to win 2016 (VIDEO)
Democrats faces serious questions for the 2016 elections. Chris Matthews touched on one. The problem is he missed the biggest one of them all.
Chris Matthews to GOP operative ‘You know why I am really against your party?’ (VIDEO)
Sometimes telling the truth hurts. No amount of spinning could refute Chris Matthews’ statement about these entrenched GOP policies.
Watch Chris Matthews call out Chuck Todd for misquoting him as Todd gives GOP a talking point (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd continues to be the propaganda arm of Right Wing Republicans. He continues to inject himself into forming the debate instead being a journalist.
Americans allowing neocon influenced media to lead us back into war (VIDEO)
Neocons win by using media to force us into war again Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Unfortunately, Americans led by a neocon and military industrial complex influenced media aided by savvy social media savage terrorists are being allowed to dictate American foreign policy. A few […]
Chris Matthews necessarily schooled by Elizabeth Warren’s on politics and the Democratic message
Elizabeth Warren Schools Chris Matthews Senator Elizabeth Warren was interviewed by Chris Matthews on Thursday. After watching that interview one must admit this woman has the fire in her belly to really get things done. Her populist message sounds fresh in that she has a delivery that seems to indicate persistence. She seems to have […]
Liberals Outrage On IRS Tea Party Scrutiny Unjustified & Foolish (VIDEO)
Republicans, Conservatives, the Tea Party, and Right Wingers play to win. They never allow truth or scruples to intervene. When I first heard the story about the IRS “going after Conservative groups” it seemed to be a rather logical decision. After-all, who have not seen how close to the line the advertising and other actions […]