Donald Trump is not mincing his words. He wants to indemnify cops nationally and kick out immigrants. He puts the life of every POC in danger.
Great jobs report too good for the workers. Another POC murdered by cop. Ilhan Omar double standard
1/2 million jobs created are good for us but a problem for Wall Street. We are getting used to cops murdering POC. Ilhan Omar’s defiant speech before the Foreign Affairs Committee ouster’s important.
Good guys with guns are not enough for the bad guy with a WoW.
They are wrong. Not even many good guys with guns can save you from the wrath of one bad guy with a WoW.
America’s Cops are Having Their Harvey Weinstein Moment
The casting couch is now largely a relic of the past. If we keep pushing hard, soon the same could be true of murderous and corrupt cops.
Thoughts after Alton Sterling’s killer cops walk: I’m just an expendable black man (VIDEO)
Police killed Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, and many others with video cameras running, and it did not matter.
Statistics used as justification for black men behind firing squad
There is a thin thread that runs from the murder-by-cop of innocent black men that goes unpunished to the delusional evil man who kills cops for revenge.
David Eckert: Colonoscopy, Enema, X-Ray Ordered By Cops For Nonexistent Drugs (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. David Eckert went shopping at a Wal-Mart in Deming NM on January 2nd, 2013. He then got into his car to leave the parking lot. David Eckert was then stopped by Officer Chavez for allegedly not yielding at a stop sign. Officer Chavez ordered David Eckert out of his […]