Georgia’s former Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan used the podium at the DNC to talk directly to Republicans, saying the GOP has gone crazy and voting for Kamala Harris makes you a patriot.
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Confronts the Imperative to Dismantle Trumpism for America’s Democratic Future
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi explores the critical need to dismantle Trumpism to preserve America’s democratic values as he explores the complicity of Republican judges & politicians.
America’s Cops are Having Their Harvey Weinstein Moment
The casting couch is now largely a relic of the past. If we keep pushing hard, soon the same could be true of murderous and corrupt cops.
Can America Rise Above Racism & Embrace a Higher Vision of a Common Humanity?
Much like America gave the world democracy in 1776, our experience today may well determine whether the world moves forward or backward in the all-so-human struggle for equality, dignity and peace
Was Jan 6th Worse Than 9/11?
Politicians, corporations and billionaires who funded Trumpism and continue to support GOP efforts at outright sedition should face serious consequences, including expulsion from office and prison.
Hilterism – Trumpism: The solution is not penicillin but …
The disease that allowed Trumpism to rise in America is not one that penicillin can cure but one where we understand it quite well.
To beat Trumpism requires a different take on handling the real issue of racism.
One can defeat Trumpism if we recognize racism as a defective tool whose use we must rid ourselves of as we develop the real effective ones.
Of remedies that didn’t work, a colossal failure: Trumpism
The world will be a better place, the nation sounder, when we can all laugh off the remedy that was Trumpism, a colossal failure that killed thousands.
America Rejects Trumpism
Trumpism was a big fail in Midterm 2018 and no amount of smoke and mirrors will change the reality that America continues the Progressive march.