My Best wishes for Trump? His rapid impeachment and an end to his presidency and the universal stink he has created around the American Presidency
Paul Ryan Confronted About ‘Inner City’ Comment ‘If You Didn’t Mean It You Wouldn’t Have Said It’ (VIDEO)
Constituent to Paul Ryan: ‘If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it’ Alfonso Gardner, a black man from Mount Pleasant Wisconsin was not fooled by Paul Ryan’s platitudes. He was not going to let Paul Ryan getaway with using dog whistles when speaking. He was not going to accept some soft disingenuous apology […]
Beware Of The Dog Whistle. We Are All Becoming ‘THOSE PEOPLE’
Yesterday I read Paul Krugman’s piece titled ‘That Old-Time Whistle’. Of course he meant dog whistle. It is a must read. It really caught my eye because my Sunday DailyKOS front page article was on the same subject. It seems like we ultimately came to the same conclusion. To be able to solve problems one […]