Eric Bolling was suspended after sending unsolicited lewd pictures to several female Fox News employees. How many more of their men will join the train?
Fox News’ misogyny continues. Host told she’s giving America an erection on air (VIDEO)
Even as Fox News has gotten rid of Bill O’Reilly, their misogynist culture continues as displayed subtly on the video in this post.
Fox News Juan Williams lost it with co-hosts: You’re trying to distract from the news of the day (VIDEO)
It was evident that Fox News Juan William was getting ready to implode as he watched his ‘The Five’ in an alternate state of reality.
Jon Stewart Schools Fox News On Hypocritical Attack On Poor (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Jon Stewart was none too happy for the blowback he got from Fox News over his skit on their attack on the poor. He was pointing out that they gave the impression that a lot of poor people were gaming the system. He then played a snippet […]