Many black people understood that Trump’s words would appeal to some for that reason. But we also knew that it was fool-hearted to trust Trump.
Attorney General Eric Holder: Following through after Ferguson
Attorney General Eric Holder lays out the results and actions based on President Obama’s request to review federal funding for programs and equipment.
Eric Holder slams Louie Gohmert: What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Attorney General Eric Holder slams Louie Gohmert in Congress and at National Action Network Attorney General Eric Holder went off script at the National Action Network civil rights conference. He said what most objective people have been stating for years. Eric Holder and President Obama’s treatment is more than […]
US Attorney General To Texas: We Are Taking You To Court
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Immediately after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, Texas Attorney General and now Texas Gubernatorial candidate sent out the following tweet. (Full story here.) Texas #VoterID law should go into effect immediately b/c #SCOTUS struck down section 4 of VRA today. #txlege #tcot #txgop — Greg Abbott […]
Senator John McCain & Lindsey Graham Excoriate Rand Paul & Republicans (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. It is evident that Rand Paul is starting to scare the rank and file Republicans. After-all, Paul even got support from many in the Liberal Base. Eugene Robinson in the article “Rand Paul made the right call on filibuster” states The Republican senator from Kentucky, whom I’ve ridiculed as […]
Rand Paul Filibuster Gets AG Response. President Can’t Kill Americans w/ Drones In US (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Rand Paul conducted an epic filibuster yesterday with one of the longest filibusters this century. To what did America owe this spectacle? According to TPM Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) had on Thursday asked the administration if the president has the authority to use a mechanized drone against an American […]
Jon Stewart Praises GOP Senator For Talking Filibuster For Right Reason (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Republican Senator Rand Paul filibustered the nomination of John Brennan yesterday. He used the filibuster the way it was intended to be used; to get answers and to pose arguments for the minority holding up a vote. The filibuster was even joined by Democratic Senator Ron Wyden (OR) The […]
Jon Stewart On Obama All White Cabinet Picks–“White Obama Playing The Long Game” (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The mainstream news media has become the “me too and will up you one” news media. The president nominates four white men for cabinet positions and all hell breaks loose. It was quite amusing to watch MSNBC Chuck Todd ask the president about the diversity in his cabinet while […]