Of all the pivotal technologies discovered by humans, fire making was the one that gifted our species with power beyond all others.
It’s Not Just Ideology: Why the U.S. Is Hard-Wired to Be Hostile to Autocratic RegimesÂ
The U.S. was born out of ideas and the geopolitical schemes of competing maritime empires, forging a foreign policy approach that dominates its foreign relations today.
The Economic Realities We Face at the End of 2022
U.S. capitalism and its empire are widely perceived as waning. Europe’s role as a U.S. ally and indeed its economic future became correspondingly riskier as a result.
Professor points out the insanity and inhumanity of America’s unemployment system
While Congress vacillates battling COVID-19 American unemployment compensation, some European countries’ approach is humane and straightforward.
European ministers’ striking remarks to Robert Reich as they prepare for Trump visit
Robert Reich spoke to many European ministers. European governments, preparing for a round of major summits with Donald Trump, are wary.
Stan Merriman: Ukraine – Geopolitical Chess
By Stan Merriman Originally published at Pitchforks & Populists Monday, March 3rd, 2014. Some sentimentalists have been characterizing the Ukraine crisis as a popular revNot so fast. This situation requires some careful analysis, not platitudes. Hear that CNN and mainstream media? Probably not. I’m reading as much non-mainstream press as I can to wrap my […]
Our Economy Still Faces A Cliff: European-Style Austerity–Learn The Facts
The U.S. Economy shrank for the first time since 2009. There are many technical reasons beyond the scope of this post why the 0.1% drop is not as bad as it may initially seem. That said, this could be a mini-preview of the upcoming cliff. Sequestration, the severe and draconian cuts to both social programs […]