Fareed Zakaria methodically takes down Trump’s budget as he castigates the GOP for ignoring math, science, and facts to govern ideologically with lies.
Fareed Zakaria blows a hole in Trump’s promise to the coal miners (VIDEO)
Donald Trump continues to mislead coal miners, day in and day out. Fareed Zakaria lays out the reality that hopefully many of these miners will see.
Fareed Zakaria: ‘The beginning of a power transfer from US to China’ under Trump (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria laid out a dismal reality that is occurring under Donald Trump, the transfer of power from the United States to China.
CNN Fareed Zakaria rips Trump ‘He has succeeded by bullsh$tting’
Fareed Zakaria understands exactly what got Donald Trump into the presidency and sadly it says more about us than it does about Trump.
Fareed Zakaria exposes the U.S. failed American Dream that exists successfully in Canada (VIDEO)
The reality is that by all metrics; it is Canada who is successfully living the American Dream while Americans falsely believe we are the exceptional ones.
Impassioned Fareed Zakaria: Why Trump ‘a danger to American democracy (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria, a non-partisan straight shooter, has an important message for Americans. He explains in detail why he must vote for Hillary Clinton.
Fareed Zakaria doubles down on his statement of Trump as a ‘Bullshit Artist’ with examples (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria is not backing down from calling Donald Trump a ‘Bullshit Artist.’ In fact, he reinforces Trump’s pathology with experts and examples.
Generally circumspect Fareed Zakaria calls Trump ‘Bulshit Artist’ on Live TV (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria pointed out many ignorant statements made by Donald Trump and held back no more in describing Trump as a ‘Bulshit Artist.’
Fareed Zakaria: Both Bible and Quran has violent passages (VIDEO)
We must not give any religion a pass for violence. Likewise, we must not single out any religion because some effect violence in its name.
Fareed Zakaria blames Donald Trump’s rise on GOP for very specific reasons (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria provided a very cogent analysis of the rise of Donald Trump, Trumpism. He was not kind to the GOP’s role in his rise.