Economists warn that a Trump presidency could lead to higher inflation, rising interest rates, and a growing federal deficit fueled by tax cuts and increased government spending.
Stop raising interest rates & tariffs for problems created by corporations. There’s a better way!
Our government and economic system ask the poor and middle class to pay tariffs and higher interest for problems created by the private sector and others. There is a better way.
Why do we allow a GREAT JOBS REPORT to be spun as bad? WATCH THIS, PLEASE!
The jobs report is excellent, and we must not allow it to be tarnished. The Right would have you believe that good is bad, up is down for their electoral purposes.
Republicans Pass Student Loan Bill Detrimental To Students & Families
America needs student loan relief One knows a city, a state, a country’s interests and priorities based on where it puts its money. Unfortunately more and more in America, it isn’t education. During the budget crisis in Texas, education bore the brunt of the cuts even as Texas doles out $19 billion per year in […]