Joe Biden did not allow the GOP to drive a narrative blaming the rescue plan and lazy workers. He came out swinging.
Job growth numbers bad for Democrats because Plutocrats driving narrative
Democrats are allowing the media to spin the continuation of the less than stellar Obama stagnant wage/job growth economy into a stellar Trump great-businessman acumen.
CNN hosts slam Trump for taking credit for Obama’s great jobs report (VIDEO)
Donald Trump took credit for the great January Jobs Report, but CNN will not let the narrative stand. They called him out quickly with his past statements.
Obama will not allow others to steal the economic success of his policies (VIDEO)
Watch how president Obama finally touts his economic successes and job reports to ensure the incoming Congress cannot attempt to take false credit for it.
Spectacular April Jobs Report – Beats Expectations (VIDEO)
The economy created 288,000 jobs in April. The jobless rate has fallen to a 5-1/2 year low to 6.3%. That is the lowest rate since the 2008 financial implosion. According to Reuters, The economy stalled in the first quarter, weighed down by an unusually cold and disruptive winter. A slow pace of stock accumulation by […]
Job Report Proves Austerity Fails–GOP’s Path To Depression
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Britain elected a conservative government that immediately adopted an austerity policy. They are now entering their 3rd recession since the economic crisis, a triple dip. Spain attempted austerity and as reported in the Bloomeberg’s piece “Adios Austerity, […]