John McCain was himself when he described his feeling towards the press to express a very important point about our democracy.
John McCain’s son mocks social media reaction to Old Navy Ad
John McCain’s son, Lt. Jack McCain mocks the Twitter storm over Old Navy’s interracial couple ad with pictures of his own marriage.
Jon Stewart takes on the NSA pushing fear mongering politicians (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart calls out politicians using fear mongering techniques to force passage of intrusive NSA provisions in The Patriot Act
Bill Maher chastises gullible America for missing the real enemy (VIDEO)
Bill Maher uses great analogies as he chastises Americans for once again being co-opted into war on faulty logic. We must not allow a stupid move again.
Code Pink disrupts ISIS/ISIL Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing multiple times
Code Pink is doing the job the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party should be doing. They are not simply acquiescing to the false narrative being pushed by the Military Industrial Complex. They are not going to be silent as America once again is conned into war. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin disrupts ISIS / ISIL […]
GOP: While wasting tax dollars on Benghazi reopen Beirut Marine Barracks attack that killed 241 Americans
Anyone watching Republicans continue to waste tax dollars on the tragic Benghazi incident must wonder why this same diligence was not applied real substantive breaches of American trust. The traditional media continue to allow a false narrative giving it an undeserved plausibility. Coffee Party USA member Michael Wilde has simply had it. He decided to […]
You Won’t Believe Who Right-Wingers Are Saying is Palling Around With Terrorists!
While under the Bush regime, it seems the Right Wing had no problem with war. Then again in those days there was no real active Tea Party. The Republican Party was happy to funnel the American taxpayer dollars to the military industrial complex. The merging of the Tea Party, the Evangelical Right Wing, and the […]
Rachel Maddow slams John McCain and a media featuring those wrong about Iraq War
Rachel Maddow exposes both Right Wing and traditional media on Iraq & Benghazi Rachel Maddow let it all out in a very long uninterrupted piece last night on her MSNBC show. The video above extracted most of the telling snippets to allow quick digestion. Rachel Maddow calling out the media yet again is more urgent […]
Jon Stewart slams media on Iraq coverage for giving those that lied us into war a platform again
Jon Stewart destroys GOP Iraq false narrative Satirist Jon Stewart better than any mainstream traditional media journalist provides a humorous yet serious encapsulation of America’s entry into the Iraq War. It shows a fiery montage of senators and GOP operatives continuously escalating the rhetoric to encourage Americans to support a war. Jon Stewart shows Senator […]
Elizabeth Warren Lashes Out At Congress – Do your Job (VIDEO)
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren gave the keynote address at a Roosevelt Institute – Americans for Financial Reform event. In her keynote she called on Congress to solve the ‘too big to fail’ banking fiasco. She said that the financial crisis cost Americans north of 14 trillion dollars, $120,000 for every American household. She said the […]