Jon Stewart expressed the sense of exasperation that many of us feel over the non-indictment of Daniel Pantaleo, the police officer that killed Eric Garner.
Photo of Darren Wilson, killer of unarmed teen Michael Brown surfaces
Unarmed teenager Michael Brown’s Killer, Officer Darren Wilson Finally a picture of the killer of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Ferguson Missouri Officer Darren Wilson has surfaced. It was found on the John Wilson’s, the father of Darren Wilson, Facebook newsfeed. Yahoo News reports the following. Six months before he shot and killed an unarmed teenager, […]
Desire Grover: An Open Letter To George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s Killer (VIDEO)
Desire Grover, a General Newspaper Reporter and prolific CNN iReporter wrote a rather poignant open letter to Mr. George Zimmerman, killer of Trayvon Martin. She writes. Dear Mr. George Zimmerman, How does it feel to be on trial? How does it feel to have people label you and judge you without “knowing” you? It couldn’t […]