From the police chief, to the media, an attempt to rehabilitate the image of Darren Wilson has been in full vogue as Michael Brown is demonized.
KKK Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona humbled by Anonymous and backpedals threats (VIDEO)
KKK began singing a non-violent tone in Ferguson after Anonymous started infiltrating the organization’s online. Watch what he says now.
Watch George Stephanopoulos attempt to justify Darren Wilson’s killing of Michael Brown with softball leading interview (VIDEO)
George Stephanopoulos provides a softball interview of Darren Wilson so filled with holes that it is but Wilson’s rehabilitating video.
Media bias is dangerous but outright bias gets many killed
As media is democratized, called out biased information will aid in solving America’s social, racial, and economic ills. Light disinfects misinformation.
This is why the media is the necessary tool needed to misrepresent minorities
Click on the video to activate live chat. The media is but one of their tools Michael Brown’s execution by police officer Darren Wilson presented a national learning platform. The facts are rather simple. Two young Black men were walking in the street and approached by a cop. An altercation occurred. An unarmed Michael Brown […]
Melissa Harris-Perry destroys Time’s Joe Klein’s attempt to malign another black man
Click on the video to activate live chat. It was not long before the execution of another black man by cop is his fault again Time’s Joe Klein wrote a rather shocking piece titled “Beyond a Simple Solution for Ferguson.” I knew it would not be long before an attempt to humanize Darren Wilson, the […]
Photo of Darren Wilson, killer of unarmed teen Michael Brown surfaces
Click on the video to activate live chat. Unarmed teenager Michael Brown’s Killer, Officer Darren Wilson Finally a picture of the killer of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Ferguson Missouri Officer Darren Wilson has surfaced. It was found on the John Wilson’s, the father of Darren Wilson, Facebook newsfeed. Yahoo News reports the following. Six months […]
Darren Wilson is Ferguson, MO police officer that killed Michael Brown
Click on the video to activate live chat. Darren Wilson killed unarmed teen Michael Brown Darren Wilson is Ferguson, MO police officer that killed Michael Brown. CBSNews reports that The police officer who fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown, prompting days of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri and rallies nationwide, has been identified as Darren Wilson. […]