Interview about my new book “Tribulations of an Afro-Latino Caribbean Man: Racism Didn’t Stop My Smile, Hope, Or Journey Forward” with Houston Democracy Project’s founder Neil Aquino (@aquino1_neil) & Texas Grassroots Alliance’s Alex Montalvo (@montalvoftw).
Doug Jones hires black COS. Is Democratic Party Establishment seeing the light?
Doug Jones, the Alabama Democratic Senator-elect did the right thing as he ensures he has a diverse staff. He has chosen a black Chief of Staff.
White St. Louis police shoots black off-duty cop & claims friendly fire (VIDEO)
It is a false belief that following the orders of police officers whether right or wrong will ensure a police officer will not murder a person of color.
Compassion or excoriation – Response to Rachel Dolezal is depressive (VIDEO)
I find Rachel Dolezal very intriguing. I find the response depressive. Does Rachel Dolezal who grew up white have the right to be black?
Why should a 16 year old kid have this burden?
My 16 year old nephew wrote this essay. It likely represents the feelings of millions of young Black and Brown boys, an undeserved burden.
This is why the media is the necessary tool needed to misrepresent minorities
The media is but one of their tools Michael Brown’s execution by police officer Darren Wilson presented a national learning platform. The facts are rather simple. Two young Black men were walking in the street and approached by a cop. An altercation occurred. An unarmed Michael Brown ran away. Officer Darren Wilson pursued him. He […]
Actor Jesse Williams gets real on CNN about the dehumanization of black men
Actor Jesse Williams gets real on CNN with Candy Crowley about the dehumanization of black men. CNN’s Candy Crowley complained about the repetition of the same verbiage after racially charged events that seem to terminate with no effective action. “I always have great hesitation about these conversations. I feel like we have them all the […]
BREAKING: President Obama News Conference ‘Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me’ (VIDEO)
President Obama addressed the Trayvon Martin trial outcome directly at a news conference today. He specifically articulated the experiences of black American men and boys from a personal point of view, as a black man. He made statements like. “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago”. “There are very few African-American men who […]