New York Times executive editor Joe Kahn’s delusion about journalism illustrates why, left to him, the country would be on the verge of a fascist takeover.
The ‘Venezuelan People’ Are Whoever Agrees With Donald Trump
What the Venezuelan People need is for the United States to lift sanctions which disproportionately harms the poor.
Journalist admits media bias in their coverage of terrorist attacks (VIDEO)
It was refreshing to watch Harry Smith tackle media bias, in a not too subtle form. He said on air what many have been writing about. It needed to be said.
Conservative Joe Scarborough slams Ben Carson for claiming media unfairly scrutinized him (VIDEO)
Joe Scarborough educated his listeners for a change when he hit Ben Carson real hard during his MSNBC show Morning Joe, pointing out his ignorance.
Startling never acknowledged racial media bias in action (VIDEO)
America is made up of good people that misunderstand each other. This video shows how racial media bias promotes discord that subliminally misinformed.
Media bias is dangerous but outright bias gets many killed
As media is democratized, called out biased information will aid in solving America’s social, racial, and economic ills. Light disinfects misinformation.
Michelle Obama Not P*ssed/President’s Handshake Just Fine – Media Bias?
So much for the ‘Liberal Media’. President Obama and Michelle Obama have been victims of the media more so than most. Inasmuch as they have lived a scandal free life both the Right Wing Media and the ‘Liberal Media’ are always ready for the set up. Michelle Obama has been extremely careful to ensure she […]