It does not take rocket science to know that ‘open carry’ and for that matter ‘concealed carry’ is dangerous for the public at large.
Dallas Mayor explains why open carry gun laws are dangerous (VIDEO)
The head of the NRA once said the solution to a bad guy with a gun are good guys with guns. Dallas proved the open carry is dangerous.
Let’s be real about guns, safety, open carry, and privilege (VIDEO)
Guns do not make America safer. No other developed country on earth has a higher per capita gun related homicide rate than the United States.
We can beat back open carry gun laws irrespective of NRA owned politicians (VIDEO)
Open carry is now the law in Texas. We can make the law virtually useless now and mobilize to rid ourselves of NRA owned politicians in 2016.
Unarmed black men gunned down as open carry white men appeased
How long would it take to extinguish open carry black men in America? Yesterday while perusing DailyKOS I came across the article, ‘Why Black Men Don’t Open Carry’ by my fellow diarist at DailyKOS Vyan. After I read the story ‘Cops gun down Ohio man holding toy rifle in Walmart ‘like he was not even […]