It is a small world. I think if we remembered that we would likely treat everyone civilly and with respect as we never know where lives cross mutual paths.
The Surprisingly Oppressive History of Coffeehouses
Centuries before two Black men were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks, capitalists met at coffeehouses to profit from the transatlantic slave trade.
Peanut spiked Coke: Vickie turns me on to a cultural food experience
My Starbucks friend Vickie introduced me to Peanut spiked Coke, so I thought after knowing her this long, it was time to get her on one of my blog posts.
Should we commend Starbucks even if some believe it’s a PR move? YES!
Starbucks executed a full frontal engagement after the incident, one that likely extended the exposure or life cycle of the event.
Abbey Harris, a teenager making a difference with her conversations & ability to empathize (VIDEO)
Abbey Harris was probably a little shocked that this stranger hijacked the conversation with her friend. But I could not help it. In a time when we have undeservedly maligned our youth, she proved what I’ve always known.
Black men arrested @ Starbucks for trespassing? Am I next? (VIDEO)
One white guy stood up to call out injustice as Starbucks and most of their patrons watched two black men demeaned and abused for just being.
Starbucks Baristas at flooded & rebuilt Kingwood store expose their talented side (VIDEO)
These young people are more than baristas. These Starbucks baristas are not only talented but friendly smart thinking millennials.
This story indirectly illustrates why people of color must fear American justice system
How could our justice system be color blind or unbiased when the building blocks of society are its raw materials, judges, lawyers, witnesses, jurors.
NO to everything Trump & YES to Starbucks for doing the right thing
Republican politicians fear Trump. Democratic politicians believe the fallacy that they can work with Trump and the Republicans. Starbucks acts.
Starbucks talks race – Display of social & corporate responsibility a beacon
Every time I scan my phone, pay cash, or use my credit card I ask the same question. Why do I buy a simple Starbucks Venti black coffee for $3.00+.