Some in the mainstream media are refusing to normalize Trump. It was shocking but refreshing to watch and listen to MSNBC Host Thomas Roberts ridicule Trump’s latest statement about his dereliction of duty, about not reading the Daily Brief daily. Donald Trump does not read the Daily Brief given his intelligence I was barely listening to […]
MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts’ oops moment with the Trump name (VIDEO)
While dismissing the segment Thomas Roberts was getting to his segue. He had this unfortunate slip of the tongue for which he could get no more apologetic.
Baltimore protester Danielle Williams gives MSNBC Thomas Roberts and media a tongue lashing (VIDEO)
Baltimore protester Danielle Williams provided the proper context to Thomas Roberts that must slide of the tongue of every protester. School the media.
GOP Congresswoman Stunned: ‘Do You Hate Obamacare More Than You Love Your Country?’ (VIDEO)
This Congresswoman was stunned and left rambling when asked, Do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country? What took the media so long to engage?
MSNBC Thomas Roberts Word Slip Calling Weiner Girl ‘BatSh*t’ (VIDEO)
The Weiner sexting scandal that is being over played by the mainstream media is getting so silly, the unprofessional nature of the over coverage is having otherwise good anchors slip into unprofessional speech. MSNBC Thomas Roberts probably wishes he had a two second delay on this one. It is not at all difficult to see […]