Donald Trump said he had delivered more promises than he promised. It is yet another lie that we can easily refute, and we do it here.
If Trump voters read Robert Reich’s list of cons on them will they believe?
Robert Reich once again exposes Donald Trump as a con man. He, however, does it in a manner to educate the Trump base one hopes will get through.
CNN interview with die-hard Trump supporters: Delusional but reachable (VIDEO)
The easy answer is to say Progressives should not waste their time trying to get these die-hard Trump voters to see the light. I disagree completely.
She’s one of many Trump voters who’s surprised he wants to cut their aid
Trump conned his supporters. While many continue to support him, as his policies start to affect their personal economies things will change.
It’s time to make friends with Trump voters for very specific reasons (VIDEO)
Many of us will never be over this election but we must if we are to move forward. And that begins with making friends with Trump voters.