There are the internet bots, not people but auto-tweeters and Facebook auto-posters churning out messages micro-targeted at U.S. audiences. #PoliticsDoneRight
George Orwell and Why the Time to Stop Trump is Now
Everyone able and willing to distinguish facts from lies has witnessed Trump’s brazen cover-up of Russia’s attack. He has never denounced the aggressor.
House GOP KNEW Trump got illegal help from Putin, they’re on tape laughing about it.
Sadly even though reports are out there that Republicans are complicit by association with the Trump – Putin scandal, they are getting a media pass.
By coddling Trump, the Republican Party actions borders on treason as well
It is now the time to not only call out President Donald Trump but the Republican Party at large for appeasing Trump’s likely treason.
CNBC Editor: President’s statement makes it clear Putin has something on him (VIDEO)
CNBC Editor John Harwood reiterates that Trump going against America’s intelligence agencies signals Putin has the goods on the President.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Did Putin mastermind Syria bombing, Trump/Putin charade? (VIDEO)
Lawrence O’Donnell makes a plausible case as he gives reason’s why there is a possibility that Putin orchestrated the Syrian and Trump attacks.
Once again Americans played by Trump and media eating it up (VIDEO)
There is a civil war in Syria. There are many armed factions including many that are anathema to ‘American values’ which should give us pause.
Mainstream Media projecting as they accuse BuzzFeed of fake news on Trump dossier
It is now time that the alternative media stand up. Until the mainstream media live up to its constitutional role, they will remain irrelevant.
Saturday Night Live Putin skit funny with some inconvenient truths for Trump (VIDEO)
The opening Saturday Night Live skit displayed excellent writing using humor to point out many serious Trump flaws that will be haunting.
Intelligence expert on Trump-Putin flirtations: ‘Ten years ago there’d be treason trials’ (VIDEO)
Intelligence expert Malcolm Nance was not kind to Trump as he explained that 10 years ago there would be treason trials given Trump’s Russian proclivities.