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We must give kudos to MediaMatters; shame on CBS. This is why watchdogs are needed. The Traditional Media have been reporting crap news for a long time.
In fact the Traditional Media is responsible for much of the ignorance suffered by the average Americans. They appease corporations and the Right Wing. It was discussed here and here.
This is the Traditional Media that gave “death panels”, “government takeover of healthcare”, and “birth certificate gate” plausibility. Just last week, CBS showed the ineptitude of its News Department when they featured a woman losing her health insurance. It turns out their reporting on the outcome of her insurance was diametrically opposed to reality.
CBS was at it again with a 60 Minutes piece on Benghazi. It was evident that CBS was trying to get a Conservative audience. After-all, only a select few nuts are interested in that Fox News overdramatized story. They placed their faith in one flawed source. Their source claimed he was there but told the FBI otherwise.
MediaMatters reports that CBS is pulling the flawed story as follows.
CBS News pulled a crumbling 60 Minutes report on the 2012 Benghazi attacks from its website and YouTube channel amid new information from The New York Times that corroborates claims that CBS’ star witness provided conflicting accounts about what he witnessed the night of the attack. Jeff Fager, CBS News chairman and 60 Minutes executive producer, hinted that a correction may be forthcoming.
The network was heavily criticized by veteran journalists and media critics after The Washington Post reported that Morgan Jones, the eyewitness on whom 60 Minutes based its report, had given CBS a story of the attacks that was contradicted by what he told the security contractor he worked for at the time.
Failed Traditional Media
News from America’s Traditional Media is at best suspect. It is important that no one assumes the news they see on the networks are correct. They are generally biased giving deference to the American Plutocracy and Republicans. This applies to sections of all the cable and broadcast networks. News is only valid now from the crowdsourcing of reputable blogs.
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Lewis Johnson says
Who in hell coined the phrase “traditional media” in connection with TV news? Excuse my rashness but, to my recollection, they have not yet been around long enough to even HAVE “traditions”. SOPs? Yeah. Habitual behavior, only maybe…only maybe.
I find it somewhat disconcerting that these mini-slogans are being so quickly welcomed as acceptable coinage, and that this jargon is so quickly spreading, with little thought toward checking its verity.
Sorry, this might appear twice. Due to my on-line illiteracy, I haven’t yet figured out the difference between “commenting” and “posting a comment”. So I did both.