MSNBC’s Jason Johnson and MediaMatters’ CEO Angelo Carusone define who the GOP and Fox News really are. They are more like Infowar.
Trump administration officials use Sunday news shows to lie about GOP tax bills
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney appeared on Sunday news shows to lie on tax bills.
Fox News Megyn Kelly get slammed for comparing MediaMatters to (VIDEO)
Democratic Strategist Bill Burton did not let Fox News Megyn Kelly get away with the mother of all false equivalencies, MediaMatters no
If Fox News Supports Your Story It Will Implode. Ask CBS 60 Minutes on Benghazi (VIDEO)
We must give kudos to MediaMatters; shame on CBS. This is why watchdogs are needed. The Traditional Media have been reporting crap news for a long time. In fact the Traditional Media is responsible for much of the ignorance suffered by the average Americans. They appease corporations and the Right Wing. It was discussed here […]