Krystal Ball Strikes Again – We the people are not with you
Krystal Ball removed the colored glasses from the eyes of many who think loud rhetoric trumps reality. The Tea Party and sister organizations constantly invoke we the people when speaking about issues they are fond of. They invoke we the people when attempting to force their policies on Americans.
What is interesting is their invocation of we the people is simply assumptive. It is rarely followed up with polling data or any other evidence that give them credulity. Their method is effective in creating conflict but ineffective in producing policies to move the country forward.
Americans are struggling. America is very unequal. Average Americans are not to be blamed. Unfettered capitalism and trickle-down economics are. Any system that values capital above and beyond humanity is unsustainable, inhumane, and immoral.
Americans are starting to get it. Americans are starting to understand which groups and politicians are really on their side. How is that becoming evident? Krystal Ball highlights that in her snippet above. She points out to the failed October 2013 “Truckers to shut down America” ride for the U. S. Constitution. It was a complete flop. She also highlighted the failed conservative rally on the mall purported to bring millions to Washington DC. Instead, tens of people showed up.
Invoking we the people is powerful. Presuming the support from those you want support from is powerful. It makes the weak, meek, or cautious momentarily step back. Could we the people really be on the side of the vociferous adversary and not ours? Big political parties, organizations, and groups love using this tactic because it freezes the discourse temporarily in favor of the one invoking said support. It is important to never cave to presumptuous utterings of unearned support. It is important to stay the moral course. In the long run reality generally prevails and those that trust in truth will prevail.
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I wish america would/could get “it” with more alacrity