If you wonder why Right Wingers sometimes coalesce around the president, this evangelist’s tactics is a good example of how they indoctrinate their base into a bunker mentality.
Fox News Neil Cavuto slams Michele Bachmann. ‘Democrats would be in their right mind to laugh you out’
Click on the video to activate live chat. Neil Cavuto lays into Michele Bachmann Michele Bachmann went on Fox News and was slammed by Neil Cavuto. He did not let her get away with the simple minded detrimental acts of a recalcitrant Congress. The lead up started this morning. Speaker of the house John Boehner […]
Krystal Ball: We the people respectfully request you stop invoking us in your nonsense (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Krystal Ball Strikes Again – We the people are not with you Krystal Ball removed the colored glasses from the eyes of many who think loud rhetoric trumps reality. The Tea Party and sister organizations constantly invoke we the people when speaking about issues they are fond […]
Michele Bachmann and Bernie Sanders income inequality clash on CNN (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Bernie Sanders fact based information stymied by Michele Bachmann interruptions. This was a very difficult debate to watch. It should however be instructive to those attempting to understand why America is so misinformed. It illustrates how misinformation is allowed to mask truth. Before the exchange between the […]
Bill Maher Tired Of Helping Companies Pay Workers Hike Minimum Wage (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Bill Maher’s New Rules on the plea to raise the minimum wage is on point. It is hard to understand anyone’s objection to it. A country cannot frown on citizen’s using public assistance if it does not create an economy that pays a living wage to all […]
Bill Maher: Antonin Scalia And Michele Bachmann Are The Same (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Bill Maher gave a rather funny but worrying portrayal of both Representative Michele Bachmann and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Their out of the norm religious belief should concern us all. Bill Maher had plenty of material to work with on “Real Time” Friday night, considering the […]