Last year before the elections, two Conservative women were watching my daughter and me prepare a CNN iReport on policies affecting students and Americans in general. The two women above were interested in what we were doing and when asked said they had something to say. This morning MSNBC Chuck Todd assessed that the Obama […]
Good News On Obamacare Yet Media Concentrate On GOP Sabotage
It is a fact that implementation of a law as complex as the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) would be slow and complex. It becomes even more complex when there exists a Republican Party that is intent on sabotaging it for fear that it will lead to the creation of a completely new healthcare paradigm. They […]
Obamacare Is Working- Believe Republican Naysayers At Your Peril (VIDEO)
For states that have decided to be proactive and work for the wellbeing of all their citizens and small businesses, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is being implemented successfully. There will be bumps but it will be successful where politicians start supporting it as opposed to putting obstacles in its way to attempt to cause […]
Problem Not Obamacare: It’s Healthcare Market Robbing Middle Class & Here’s The Proof (VIDEO)
This is not rocket science. If a hospital is for profit then hospitals will do what is necessary to increase their profits. It is their fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. Those who want to maintain a virtually unregulated and expensive private healthcare system want Americans to keep their blinders on. They want Americans to disregard […]
Obamacare Will Solve Stories like Adam Francois American Healthcare Nightmare (REAL STORY)
Obamacare Will Solve Stories like Adam Francois American Healthcare Nightmare (REAL STORY) I was at a friend’s office when Tyler Francois mentioned in passing that his brother Adam Francois was in an accident a few weeks ago. I do not remember in what context he told me that, however he said that his brother’s bill […]
Need For Obamacare Too Real For Many–Josie Robinson’s Story, A Story Applicable To Most
Josie is a friend of mine. She just lost her husband a few weeks ago. Our state of the art best in the world healthcare system the Right loves to talk about made her life a living hell. The Affordable Care Act is just a start but it will bring some humanity and morality into […]
Conservatives question immorality of opposition to Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Yesterday I attended Cody Pogue’s campaign office grand opening. There I met Don Large who gave a testimonial as to why he left the Republican party. When I posted the report to my CNN iReport channel I got a tweet response from an old Coffee Party friend, Mike Stafford who authored the book “An Upward […]
Valuing Health Care: Improving Productivity and Quality – Kauffman Task Force on Cost-Effective Health Care Innovation
This report addresses a deceptively simple question: How can the productivity of American health care be substantially improved? Productivity, in lay terms, is the ratio of output to inputs. A more colloquial rendition of the question might be: how can we get a lot more bang for our health care buck? Kauffman Task Force on […]
Congressman Al Green Discusses Potential Supreme Court Ruling On Affordable Care Act
Kingwood Area Democrats attended a rally at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston Texas. It was a well-attended event bringing attention to Governor Perry’s actions that materially affects the healthcare of women who use Planned Parenthood for their services. There were many speakers and politicians at the event. I got the opportunity to interview Congressman […]
We all want to be in charge of our own care — the health care law means we can be
Americans strongly support what the new health care law does. But a new poll out today shows we still have ways to go in fully informing the public about the law — particularly on the "individual mandate" in the face of continued right-wing attacks on health reform. Here’s how to talk about it. The new […]