Chuck Todd decimates the president’s cognitive dissonance as he continues to claim victory as Americans continue to succumb to COVID-19.
It’s Crucial to Distinguish Between Can’t and Won’t—With a Million Lives at Stake
CNN should note that accepting a 60–70% infection rate means accepting a million deaths or more, which may be a conservative estimate.
Pompeo gets caught lying about origins of COVID-19
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went on This Week and lied to Martha Raddatz about whether COVID-19 was man-made or not. When caught he punted.
A Beloved Bar Owner Was Skeptical About the Virus. Then He Took a Cruise. – The New York Times
A narcissist lying science-denying president is a clear and present danger to every American. He has the blood of thousands, who were gullible enough to believe him, on his hands. Sadly, those will infect many who know better unknowingly. A Brooklyn man was so believing in Donald Trump and his misinforming appendage, Fox News, that […]
Dad killed by coronavirus after dismissing ‘bulls***’ lockdown as a ‘political ploy’ – The Sun
A DAD who reportedly said the coronavirus was a political ploy, and called his state’s lockdown “bulls***” has died of COVID-19. This is not unlike others we have found. The 60-year-old man had allegedly posted several times on Facebook regarding the coronavirus, and the posts have been circulated widely on social media. On March 15, […]
MSNBC host on COVID-19 protests: It is just plain dumb.
Imagine if the mainstream media had covered the Tea Party protests in the same manner MSNBC Host Katie Tur had. Cover it but dismiss it for what it really is.
The Coronavirus revealed that America is now a failed state.
A prescient article illustrates what we are, a failed state led by the bastions of ineptitude. Most importantly it points out several important realities.
The neoliberals don’t have a plan for that coronavirus pandemic.
The coronavirus pandemic is at the intersection of economics, politics and health care. It gives an important opportunity restructure into a real working socio-economic system.
We can’t just “turn the economy back on”. We must adapt.
Economies don’t operate via light switch, and this is not a semantic quibble. Saying you want to “turn the economy back on” makes no sense.
Trump, with cruise ship decision, continues the irresponsible path that will cause the continued deaths of many.
The Trump administration, with its delay in taking COVID-19 seriously, is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans so far. It seems intent on continuing its irresponsible voluntary manslaughter-ish way as it usurps the orders of the Center for Disease Control. As usual, it is corporate profit interest over the interest of American citizens, […]