David Brooks explains the fear Republicans have for the Tea Party The Traditional Media may have gotten the message. Today they did not populate the airwaves again with the neocons that were consistently wrong about the Iraq war. They seemed to resort a bit more to doing some reporting instead of cheerleading America back into […]
David Brooks makes an observation that should scare every Republican (VIDEO)
 Today’s Meet The Press continued the traditional media meme of giving validity to debunked arguments. It continued to give both sides of the interpretation of the CBO Report plausibility. In other words it continues to be the problem that creates misinformed Americans. This week both Jon Stewart (a comedian/satirist) called out the poor reporting […]
Dionne: Obamacare Complicated Because He Chose Republican Model (VIDEO)
E. J. Dionne slams David Brooks for his rather insanely silly comment about mandates and Obamacare. Dionne presented the facts to disprove him.
Republicans rejecting Republican ideas major cause of Washington dysfunction
It is easy to throw all politicians in the same boat when describing the gridlock and dysfunction that is afflicting Washington today. The simple fact is that it isn’t so. Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein wrote about it in their book “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the […]