Ted Cruz is selling himself on ‘authenticity’ and saying things even if it is not popular. Unfortunately, he forgets there are recording devices.
Gay marriage license denying Kentucky clerk’s own ‘skeletons’ justifiably exposed (VIDEO)
Dan Savage destroys the marriage license denying antics of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis with her own marriage and other faux family values hypocrisy.
Kentucky Clerk refused in a heated verbal exchange to give gay couple marriage license after Supreme Court ruling (VIDEO)
Watch the heated exchange between this Kentucky clerk who continues to deny a gay couple their marriage license even as Supreme Court ruled against her.
Jon Stewart: Oklahoma Politicians Passing Sharia Law to get around gay marriage? (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart used tactful ridicule to illustrate the lengths Right Wing legislatures would go through to discriminate against gay marriage.
Jon Stewart uses Bible to slam Huckabee on gay marriage (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart uses the Bible to illustrate that the position of those opposing gay marriage on biblical principles is completely hypocritical.
Federal Judge Rules Texas Gay Marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional
Gay Marriage ban ruled unconstitutional in Texas. Texas backward looking social policies are being dragged into compliance by an enlightened judiciary. The Texas Tribune reports the following. Presiding U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia is the latest of a slate of federal judges in Republican states to rule against same-sex marriage bans, following last year’s U.S. […]
New Mexico Supreme Court Rules Gay Marriage Constitutional
The states are coming into humane compliance. New Mexico becomes the 16th state and the district of Columbia allowing gay marriage. This is not a surprise. The states will make it easy for the Supreme Court to do the right thing. The kids of gay couples more and more can feel the reality that their families […]
The Must See Gay Ad Every Bigot Must See (VIDEO)
The United States Supreme Court begins hearings today on America’s big question, same sex marriage. What is interesting with this particular civil rights case is that the population is currently ahead of the law. During the interracial marriage case in 1967 (Loving v. Virginia) support was polling at 20%. Support for legalization of same sex […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies–GOP Budgets, Gays, Race, Guns, & a Pope Sat 12–2PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show What a crazy week. First we continue to see President Obama fell into the debt debate trap as opposed to the employment debate. We get the selection of […]
GOP Politician: My Gay Son Came Out – I Now Support Gay Marriage (VIDEO)
The GOP is generally hostile to any attempt to give gay couples legal rights or marriage. As recently as the 2012 convention, civil unions were rejected.