Donald Trump continues to be a dilemma. How many Republicans will consider switching parties if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee?
Jeb Bush quits race for GOP Presidential nomination – Full Transcript (VIDEO)
Video & full transcript of Jeb Bush’s concession speech at the South Carolina primary. He suspended his campaign and seemed relieved.
Donald Trump slaughtered President Bush like no other Republican has in GOP Debate (VIDEO)
Donald Trump slammed President George W. Bush harder than any Democrat could. He is already running as if he is in the general campaign.
Donald Trump tells Jeb Bush to hush and he does at GOP Debate (VIDEO)
It isn’t that Bush is low energy. It is that he has no spine to stand up to a bully like Donald Trump. That does not bode well for several reasons.
Jeb Bush praises Michigan governor for ‘taken responsibility’ amid water crisis (VIDEO)
Jeb Bush should remember his brother’s failed praise of ‘Brownie’ during aftermath of Hurricane Katrina before praising Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.
Jeb Bush rattles Donald Trump & he becomes unhinged – slams CNN & Bush (VIDEO)
Jeb Bush came to life in the debate today. And he took it to Donald Trump. This time, Donald Trump seemed surprised and overreacted.
All out verbal brawl on immigration at Republican Debate (VIDEO)
The topic of immigration turned into an all out brawl mostly between John Kasich & Donald Trump. Sadly it solidified the Republican Party as anti-immigrant.
Marco Rubio embarrasses Jeb Bush in Republican debate (VIDEO)
Marco Rubio used Jeb Bush’s attack on his voting record as a belittling experience for the once inevitable Republican primary victor.
Watch Chris Matthews give Donald Trump high praises for exposing the George Bush reality (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews commends Donald Trump for exposing the reality Democrats & Republicans often fail to articulate as he traces Benghazi to George W. Bush.
CNN’s Jake Tapper takes on Jeb Bush for defending brother on 9-11 while blaming Hillary Clinton on Benghazi (VIDEO)
CNN’s Jake Tapper methodically disassembled Jeb Bush and the Republican’s argument of Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi culpability. You can’t have it both ways.