Former Ohio Governor John Kasich appeared on CNN with bad advice for Democrats even as he called out Republicans. He thinks Democrats should tack to some mythical center.
John Kasich quits Republican Primary – suspends campaign (VIDEO)
John Kasich in an emotional speech in which he thanked many of his supporters, suspended his campaign for GOP nominee for President.
Sanders wins Michigan primary as Trump bounces back – as it happened
Election results for Michigan and Mississippi are coming in. Keep coming back to get the characterization of the presidential primaries.
All out verbal brawl on immigration at Republican Debate (VIDEO)
The topic of immigration turned into an all out brawl mostly between John Kasich & Donald Trump. Sadly it solidified the Republican Party as anti-immigrant.
John Kasich’s statement about running mates summed up the Republican debate (VIDEO)
John Kasich laid out the narrative. And it started with fantasy and ended with the need to elect someone that is competent. Watch his exasperation.
GOP Presidential Candidate John Kasich goes ballistic: ‘What has happened to our Party’ (VIDEO)
John Kasich’s explosion of justifiable disdain for what his party has become may seem bold to many. The reality is that his utterances are likely fatal.
Rachel Maddow endorses John Kasich on The Daily Show w/ Trevor Noah (VIDEO)
Rachel Maddow appeared on The Daily Show and amusingly ‘endorsed’ Republican candidate John Kasich. She is actually on to something one must take seriously.
Republicans Cave & Accept Obamacare – Reality Trumps Ideology (VIDEO)
Another Republican governor came to reality and accepted Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. The Federal Government in Obamacare has agreed to pay for 100 percent of the expansion of Medicaid in its first years and at least 90 percent of it thereafter. All governors refusing this care for their most needy are poster people for the inhumaneness […]