Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams use sarcasm to show the insidiousness of the assault by the McKinney police on an innocent teenage girl at a pool party.
Watch Jon Stewart tease how GOP wins with the Democratic playbook (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams point out an irony. A snapshot of the most interesting races did make the GOP seem young, fresh, and inclusive.
Jon Stewart/Others Ridicule Megyn Kelly – She Backtracks On White Santa (VIDEO)
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly is now backtracking in her very ‘assertive’ non apologetic manner. She wants everyone to believe that her comments were just tongue and cheek. They were jokes. People are taking it too seriously. Stating in a rather stern and categorical manner to the multicultural & multiracial fabric of American kids that Santa […]
This Is Why Stop And Frisk Does Not Go Far Enough In New York (VIDEO)
Jessica Williams from "The Daily Show" hits a home run with this one. It is instructive that when one extrapolates policies to have the same effect on all as opposed to having an effect on just a certain class or race, reactions to the same policies change. Over the last few weeks several stories have […]