President Joe Biden did not hold back as he bit into Donald Trump as he should for the flawed politician that he is. He called him out in a manner Republican politicians fear doing.
Three pandemic-era safety net programs affecting millions’ finances and childcare are ending.
Childcare subsidies, some SNAP benefits, and Student Loan repayment programs are all being terminated effective October 1st. A dysfunctional Congress does nothing.
Trickle-Down Economics Isn’t a New Con
America needs to solve it’s parasitic billionaire problem or our democracy will continue to crash & burn
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies– Bombing, Fraudulent Economists, Sequester Sat 12–2PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Last week for the first time in years Politics Done Right went dark. Every one of our radio hosts had engagements and could not fill in. DelAnn Williams, […]
28 Year Old Grad Student Destroys Economists Destroying European & American Economies (VIDEO)
The policies affected based on this fraud has cost millions their jobs, their wealth, and some even their lives. This story is rarely covered.
Keynesian Economics To The Rescue as Austrian and Supply Economics Debunked
I was very late to this article but it is a must read. What is sad however is that our news media while interviewing conservatives that believe in either the Supply Side Economics model or the Austrian Economics model do not refute their provably misinforming crap inasmuch as every major financial catastrophe having been solved […]
Texas Job Miracle An Ode To Keynesian Economics–It Works! His Job Creation Came From Government
(Jarad Bernstein, via BLS data) Will the mainstream media report this chart? It turns out that as reported at TPM Rick Perry’s Texas Job miracle is nothing more than the successful implementation of Keynesian economics. The chart above shows it all. Inasmuch as Texas is a low wage state, a low regulation state, and a […]
Keynesian Economics Validated Again – Supply Side still dilusional #p2 #tcot #teaparty
You must wonder why when Supply Side economist are confronted with evidence day after day, month after month, why they still dig in to their theories. These theories have caused us to effect policies that have made this economic collapse worst. Under their theory interest rates should have been very high since last year while […]