Fmr. VP Mike Pence pushes back on MAGA woman who blamed him for Biden. Koch group releases a Trump attack ad Fmr. GOP Chair Michael Steele thinks little of it. Corporate profit surge. Inflationary?
We need an economic system where a Bill Gates or Koch Brothers impossible
Like religion, we have all been led to believe that our economic system is divine or the best we can expect. We can do much better.
Even a Koch Brother is scared of a Republican Presidency (VIDEO)
When a Koch Brother is considering not voting for his party and says that the bearers of the party’s platform are frightening, it should give pause.
The Koch Brothers do not want you to know this (VIDEO)
Had any Liberal political benefactor have these Koch Brothers’ family ‘deeds’ in their past, the media would be highlighting them at every turn.
American Family Voices crashes Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Summit (VIDEO)
At the Americans for Prosperity Defending the American Dream Summit, American Family Voices sent Koch puppets Jeb Bush and Scott Walker to crash the Koch group’s opening party.
Charles Koch Fights Back – The Koch Brothers Deception Continues
Charles Koch, one of the Koch Brothers has had enough. He is tired of “collectivists” engaging in character assassination. He said that much in his Wall Street Journal op-ed “Charles Koch: I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society.” After reading the piece one wonders if Charles Koch is living in the reality based world. One […]
Koch Brothers slammed for lying Obamacare Ad That Hurts Americans (VIDEO)
America is a free country. Free speech ensures that we can say almost anything without consequence. As a society we have decided on exceptions to free speech. You cannot yell ‘fire’ in a theatre when there is no fire. You cannot yell ‘bomb’ at an airport when there is no bomb. Why, because at that […]
Koch Brothers Abandon Tea Party Government Shutdown Strategy
The Koch Brothers are crying uncle. They have abandoned the Tea Party government shutdown strategy. In fact they make the claim in their letter (the entire letter can be found below) that, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding ObamaCare nor have we lobbied on […]
Real Doctor Smacks Down Koch Brothers Obamacare Ad (VIDEO)
Could it be that those on the correct side of history (note I did not say the Right side of history) are learning how to fight? Could it be that they are learning not to leave fallacies dangling in the ether to metastasize into the American psyche? Maybe they have. The video below answering the […]
Koch Brothers To Purchase Major American Newspapers–Truth Held Hostage?
The purpose of the media, the press, is to be the unbiased source of information for the citizens. Americans would never accept government controlled media, for they would be assured that government would have no entity to police it. Most of, if not all of the major dispersers of news in the United States are […]