Martin Shkreli, the country’s second most evil narcissist is going to jail. What will happen to the first most evil one?
Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli back in jail for ‘threatening’ Hillary Clinton
Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli is getting what he deserves. Unfortunately, he is going to jail for a violation and not for the gouging.
‘Pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli guilty of 3 of 8 charges including securities fraud
The 34-year-old Martin Shkreli will likely get what he deserves after putting the lives of many Americans in danger with his evil act morally & legally.
Drug price gouging CEO Martin Shkreli arrested (VIDEO)
The 32 year old CEO Martin Shkreli who gouged Americans with a 5000% increase in price of a life saving drug was arrested on securities fraud.
Drug price gouging CEO Martin Shkreli learns that Capitalism giveth and taketh away (VIDEO)
CEO Martin Shkreli’s drug gouging will likely teach him that quiet capitalism while selfish is more effective than outright bragging ball face capitalism.
Bill Maher: In order to be both Republican & Christian they had to create an entirely new Jesus (VIDEO)
Bill Maher encapsulates & delivers an inconvenient truth that Right Wing Republicans attempt to ignore, their redefinition of Jesus and what he stood for.
Late uproar over CEO Martin Shkreli extortion for old drug show why alternative media needed (VIDEO)
The alternative media for all practical purposes broke a story that should have been an on going news series on traditional mainstream media.
Drug price gouging CEO Martin Shkreli backs down (VIDEO)
32 year old Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli backed down. Social & political pressure forced him to drop the price of the drug Daraprim.
CEO Martin Shkreli 5000% drug price hike shows danger of unfettered capitalism (VIDEO)
32 year old CEO Martin Shkreli’s immoral 5000%+ drug price increase illustrates why government must play a huge part in our healthcare system.