Don’t buy into the mental health & school safety angle Mitch McConnell and the Republicans promote. It is a GOP farce.
Anti-immigrant inspired El Paso massacre couldn’t stop this Texas Church sanctuary.
Less than four days after the anti-immigrant El Paso Texas massacre, a church in a very conservative Texas town made themselves a sanctuary for immigrants.
Blaming the Victims of Israel’s Gaza Massacre
by Gregory Shupak Israel massacred 60 Palestinians on Monday, including seven children, bringing to 101 the total number of Palestinians Israel has killed since Palestinians began the Great March on March 30. In that period, Israel has killed 11 Palestinian children, two journalists, one person on crutches and three persons with disabilities. Monday’s casualties included 1,861 wounded, bringing […]
We collectively are answerable for the demise of the America we thought we had (VIDEO)
Obama: “We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.”
Courageous father blasts NRA after Elliot Rodger Massacre (VIDEO)
Richard Martinez blasts NRA & Politicians We should all be tired of the senseless gun violence in this country. How many more must die? Richard Martinez, father of slain Christopher Martinez, displays his anguish and anger. “When will this insanity stop? Richard Martinez asked. When will enough people say, ‘Stop this madness!’ Too many have […]
Michael Moore: NRA Finished Whenever Newtown Massacre Pictures Leaked
Michael Moore sent out another one of his long letters to his list yesterday. His letters are always wordy, entertaining but mostly on point. Yesterday’s letter was a difficult piece to read, however it is a necessary read. We only have the words when we hear of those innocent children who died in the Sandy […]
Jon Stewart Encapsulates The Absurdity of The Gun Debate–Funny But Sad (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart in his very funny manner encapsulates the absurdity of the gun control debate. That the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre is unable to have all parties sit back and have a sensible conversation on how to remove the most dangerous guns from our midst is not only absurd but sad. It speaks about […]