It is not only immoral and fiscally irresponsible that Republican politicians in some Red States are refusing available healthcare for their constituents, but it should also be criminal.
GOP ACA Sabotage Effect: Medicaid cuts, 37,000 Louisiana nursing home evictions
Louisiana officials announce that they will send 37,000 seniors nursing home eviction notices due to state Republicans’ Medicaid funding cuts.
Trump/GOP tax cut scam excuse to slash your Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid
Americans must not be fooled about a deficit created by Republicans to fund a transfer of your money to the wealthy. Now they want your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Healthcare in America: Woman asked to fork out $4000 or cancer surgery cancelled
When you hear the phrase government takeover of your healthcare remember the following realities detailed in this blog post.
A City in two states, one took Obamacare Medicaid, one didn’t, proves Republican refusal kills citizens (VIDEO)
Do not be fooled by the lies Republicans are resorting to as they state their draconian cuts to Medicaid would provide better health care to Americans.
George Will’s statement is why Trumpcare passage could destroy GOP & help Single-Payer (VIDEO)
George Will hits the nail on the head as he points out the reality of where the Trumpcare debate stands and a few other realities.
You better understand that Medicaid may take all of your inheritance
I read the following article in my local newspaper about Medicaid. I am sure there is a large percentage of people who don’t.
George Will predicts Obamacare to become single-payer because of this inconvenient fact (VIDEO)
George Will realized that America’s health care reality means not only is Obamacare unrepealable but that we are on our way to a single-payer system.
Ignore Bannon. It is a Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare bait & switch (VIDEO)
Today’s post-election media coverage is about Trump naming Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, to as his chief strategist. It’s a bait & switch.
Time to call out ‘Pro-Lifers’ on their opposition to ACA Medicaid Expansion (VIDEO)
Medicaid Expansion must be treated like what it is, a policy that saves lives. See why those who oppose it in the short term are supporting a policy that kills.