The current form of journalism is incapable of saving America from the likes of Trump and the misinforming institutions funded by the plutocracy.
Bill Maher lashes out at the press: Toughen up, stop covering crap, take one for the team (VIDEO)
More than ever we need an assertive press. It is time that the media get back to basics but most importantly grow spines to confront our national bully.
Meryl Streep calls out Trump as she admonished media to do their job (VIDEO)
Meryl Streep did not only scorch Donald Trump, but she admonished the press to do the job they are constitutional empowered to do.
Are the Traditional Media oblivious to the mid-term narrative that is falling apart?
Force fitting a false mid-term narrative A democracy requires a free independent press. The 1st Amendment of the constitution codifies that right. Unfortunately while the press represented by the traditional media has the right to be free, it has chosen indentured servitude to the American plutocracy. There are severe dangers to this eventuality. Specifically the […]
Texans Under Informed & Misinformed Because Of Derelict Press
After spending the last 13 hours driving to the State Capitol in Austin, TX with fellow Texans, participating in the “Stand Up For Women Rally” which had an attendance way in excess of 5,000 Texans, and driving back to Houston, it was with amazement that the following was the front page of ABC Channel 13. […]
America Dodged A Bullet Despite Negligent Press by Egberto Willies -Kingwood Observer (2012-12-19)
Following is my latest op-ed in the Kingwood Observer. It is important that we do not allow what a negligent corporate controlled mainstream is doing to our boy politic to succeed. LIKE My Facebook Page Follow @EgbertoWillies PDF of Article Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and join the conversation for more insightful commentary and to support progressive […]
Mainstream Press In Fear Of Internet Virality of Mann & Ornstein Critique (VIDEO)
The mainstream press is starting to listen. Its fear of irrelevancy was evident in a nine minute segment on MSNBC’s The Daily Run Down where Chuck Todd interviewed Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein on media reaction to their book “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics […]