Rand Paul’s predisposition to be sexist with female journalists will come back to haunt him throughout his presidential run.
Which Rand Paul announced for Presidential Run? (VIDEO)
Even before Rand Paul announced the attacks were on from both the Left and the Right. Maybe they see what just a few had seen for some time.
Jon Stewart ridicules odd GOP State of The Union responses (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart justifiably ridicules the GOP responses to the State of the Union Address. Americans deserve a serious debate. Shallow platitudes won’t do.
Rand Paul comes out with unequivocal support of President Obama’s new Cuba policy (VIDEO)
Rand Paul has added another check mark in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election. His support for Obama’s Cuba policy is much more than it seems.
Jon Stewart – Rand Paul thinks police killing of Eric Garner is a tax problem (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart slams Rand Paul for actually using the Eric Garner incident as a platform to make a statement to blame taxes partially for his murder
Mitt Romney already running for 2016 presidential race
Why is Mitt Romney making frequent appearances now? Are you ready for Mitt Romney 2.0? Chuck Todd is pointing out what seemed to be obvious to many. Mitt Romney has been making the media rounds on a regular basis. While he continues to deny he is running, his actions and statements say otherwise. Mitt Romney […]
Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM – Is the Democratic Party too timid – Monday 9 PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Tune in Monday 9:00 PM on KPFT 90.1 FM (Houston Area) Live stream: http://KPFT.org (Entire USA) – Podcasts: Call (713) 526-5738 to talk to me on air. This week’s show August 25th, 2014 Is the Democratic Party too timid Last week I asked the questions If Rand Paul encroaching on […]
Krystal Ball slams Hillary Clinton ‘Democrats take the Black vote for granted’
Krystal Ball justifiably slams Democrats as they cede values to Rand Paul The loud silence of Democratic leaders continue. While there are social justice and economic issues that should be molded into a narrative of action that transcends race, religion, or creed, Democratic leaders remain silent. They leave a wide open vacuum. Vacuums on earth […]
Yes Rand Paul, that’s why Democrats must be scared of you
Rand Paul media aided triangulation has begun The media build up on Rand Paul’s triangulation is in full vogue. Rand Paul was recently in Guatemala doing humanitarian work. He was performing surgeries on dozens of people with eye illnesses. Rand Paul was showing his good humanitarian deeds that are intended to mask his Libertarian motif. […]
Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM – Rand Paul encroaching Hillary Clinton’s turf – Monday 9 PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Tune in Monday 9:00 PM on KPFT 90.1 FM (Houston Area) Live stream: http://KPFT.org (Entire USA) – Podcasts: Call (713) 526-5738 to talk to me on air. This week’s show August 11th, 2014 Rand Paul encroaching Hillary Clinton’s turf Narratives matter. Most importantly they metastasize over time. In watching Rand […]