There has been much talk about Texas becoming a purple state or even a blue state. Texas will be neither if most of its citizens are not voting.
This Red State GOP Governor may lose to Democrat for cutting taxes
Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback challenged by irresponsible tax cuts There was a time when a politician could simply claim he wanted to cut taxes. No one wants to pay taxes and generally a politician simply touting tax cuts had a built-in advantage. This continues to work if the politician is unable to get the […]
States Preaching Small Government Most Dependent On Federal Government (VIDEO)
Data reveal that states whose politicians generally preach small government are the most dependent on the federal government for jobs and GDP.
Battleground Texas: Republicans forgot about you
Republicans have had their way in Texas for too long, and it shows. The GOP rejected the Medicaid expansion outright. Republican leaders willfully underfunded our public schools. And Greg Abbott and friends have certainly succeeded in yielding to right-wing extremists — last month, Abbott went so far as to thank a supporter who attacked Wendy […]