Watergate ended a presidency, but it didn’t kill anyone, much less tens of thousands.
Oops! It turns out Reagan may have been more racist than Trump.
It turns our Reagan and Nixon were likely more racist in private than Trump has shown us in public. It is not surprising but must necessarily be revealed.
A mysterious coverup that would make Richard Nixon blush
Trump and his campaign broke the law in their dealings with the Russians and have engaged in a coverup that would make Richard Nixon blush.
Ben Stein said media unjustly brought down Nixon and trying the same on Trump (VIDEO)
Donald Trump has so degenerated our political discourse and our minimum expectations of politicians that even Nixon’s dishonest deeds are now up for re-debate.
Two Election Scandals That CNN forgot? (VIDEO)
This election may be full of vitriol, but America has had a long history of nasty political scandals, some not seeing the light until after the election.