We should all hope that more journalists would challenge administration spokespeople as Craig Melvin did in this interview with Scott Walker. Craig Melvin grills Scott Walker If Scott Walker thought he was going to get a free pass with Craig Melvin, he was wrong. Melvin did not allow him to get away with talking points […]
Chuck Todd grills Scott Walker but gave him a platform to deceive (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd asked Scott Walker some difficult questions but allowed him to use the Meet the Press platform to explain the failures away for low information listeners.
GOP Obamacare derailment syndrome again! – Alan Grayson’s ‘Die Quickly’ reinstituted (VIDEO)
Scott Walker wants to remove all the protections Obamacare forced onto all insurance companies to protect us as he repeals it and leave millions uninsured.
GOP pundit apologizes to Ed Schultz for lying about Scott Walker’s employment numbers (VIDEO)
Pundit lying about Scott Walker employment number caught red handed A rarity occurred on TV today. Yesterday Genevieve Wood, Daily Signal Senior Contributor and GOP pundit appeared on the Ed Show. While discussing Scott Walker’s employment record she did what Republicans are very good at doing on national TV. She indiscriminately misinformed. She lied about […]
Full Scott Walker Presidential Announcement Speech Compressed (VIDEO)
Full Scott Walker Presidential announcement speech. All the long cheer and claps removed to compress it down substantially. Unfortunately the speech was more delusional than reality based.
Obama slams Scott Walker with Minnesota vs Wisconsin middle-class economics vs trickle-down comparison (VIDEO)
President Obama went into Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s state & completely decimated his economic policy with Minnesota middle-class economics success.
Mitt Romney already running for 2016 presidential race
Why is Mitt Romney making frequent appearances now? Are you ready for Mitt Romney 2.0? Chuck Todd is pointing out what seemed to be obvious to many. Mitt Romney has been making the media rounds on a regular basis. While he continues to deny he is running, his actions and statements say otherwise. Mitt Romney […]
Woman Explains Why Wisconsin Citizens Vote Against Their Own Interest (VIDEO)
Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is conducting its 2nd biannual Democracy Convention in Madison Wisconsin between August7th and August 11th. Many activist organizations are presenting conferences including Move To Amend, Code Pink, Liberty Foundation, Alliance For Democracy, & Veterans For Peace. One cannot escape the beauty of downtown Madison with that State Capitol […]
The Poor Are Expendable So Reporters Should Not Talk About Them
I came across the story in the Huffington Post titled “Eric Hovde, GOP Senate Candidate: Press Should Stop Writing Sob Stories About Poor People”. I watched all the major news stations throughout the day and never once did even a blip of this story make it in the national realm. One might ask why should […]
Working Middle Class Will Vote In Their Own Interest Mostly If They See A Personal Reason To Do So
On my Coffee Party radio show Politics Done Right aired every Saturday between 12:00 Noon Central and 2:00 PM Central, I received a caller that illustrates why we need to ensure that we are reaching Americans in a manner that materially affect their lives. Many of us have continuously asked why is it that those […]