Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Right Wing ideology is very dependent on a particular flaw in the thinking process of many. If one repeats something whether true or not it becomes true to many. That is what the Right Wing misinformation industrial complex does. They refuse to acknowledge that Obamacare helps families. What is […]
Open Thread (Cruz, Koch Brothers, Hannity, Obamacare, And More)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The President got an Obamacare boost this week by way of New York’s implementation of the exchanges. Will Red State governors relent when they see it working? State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently […]
He Was For NSA Surveillance Before He Wasn’t (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Back in 2006 during the Bush administration, when the same type of surveillance was under the apparent cyclical scrutiny, Sean Hannity became the biggest supporter of the policy. In fact on his show he excoriated those who opposed it many times. The Mediamatters mash up below is a classic […]
Sarah Palin, Dick Morris, & Right Wing Cohorts – Con Artists? (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Have you ever wondered why Right Wing personalities that one would otherwise believe is intelligent continue to spew absurdities? Does anyone believe Sarah Palin or Sean Hannity believes President Obama is a socialist or palled around with terrorists? They know better. They come up with these statements to raise […]
Sean Hannity Smacked By Congressman Keith Ellison–This Is How Fox News Bullies Are Neutralized
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Fox New hack Sean Hannity received a smack down from Congressman Keith Ellison. This is how all Liberals should handle Fox News bullies. Sean was visibly shocked that he was manhandled on his own show. I was very liberal with the editing as I wanted to accentuate what Rep […]