Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee did not mince words as she excoriated Republicans who are risking the lives of Americans by repealing Obamacare.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee interviewed at Houston rally to save Obamacare (VIDEO)
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee showed her resolve and passion for saving the ACA as she provided several representatives of the media an extensive interview.
This Congresswoman & Terrorism Expert got it right on Chris Matthews (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews had a congresswoman & a terrorism expert discussing the attacks near Dallas. It was a sensible discussion with a Texan for a change.
Wendy Davis gets enthusiastic reception at largest Black church in Humble
Wendy Davis receives enthusiastic reception at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church Wendy Davis attended church in Humble, Texas, a town in the Northeast Houston metropolitan area, on Sunday. She was very well received. “Wendy Davis displayed a warmth seldom seen in politicians,” said Linda. “She was not hurried and seemed ready to engage everyone who […]
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Inspirational Speech School Board Swear In
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was in Houston on January 15th, 2013 to swear in Diane Trautman and Erica Lee-Carter as Harris County School Board Of Education Trustees. Erica Lee-Carter is Congresswoman Lee’s daughter. These two women won two very hard fought campaigns for a little know position that helps thousands of students throughout the county. […]
Democratic Convention Day 4 (Last Day)
Thursday is our big day. It is the day that our President Barack Obama takes center stage. One could detect a new enthusiasm all over the convention and specifically in the Texas Delegation. Yesterday I interviewed random delegates and posted it in my Day 3 blog post. Today I wanted to discuss President Obama’s signature […]