Ken Buck (R-CO), a former TEA Party candidate, can no longer coexist with MAGA, so he quit. Listen to his reasons.
Stephanopoulos slams Scalise for CBO doubletalk on funding Israel vs IRS agents auditing tax cheats.
Rep. Steve Scalise made a fool of himself on This Week with George Stephanopoulos by disputing a CBO report that said defunding new IRS agents sanctioned to catch rich tax cheats would increase the deficit while agreeing with them on who would pay more taxes.
Civil War in the Republican Party looks like this; Liz Cheney against an army of feeble men.
The GOP could not hide its Civil War. Liz Cheney is proven to be a strong woman against an army of feeble men. And she does not mince her words.
Chuck Todd allowed Republican to claim Trump’s aggressive on Russia after Obama failed
Chuck Todd once again allowed NBC’s Meet The Press to be used as a medium of Republican misinformation without any attempt to push back on the fallacies.
President makes light of Steve Scalise near death by shooting experience (VIDEO)
When a president discounts the severity of gun violence and its effect directly and indirectly on Americans, it is evident he just does not care.
Joy-Ann Reid takes heat from Alt-Right for telling truth about Rep. Steve Scalise (VIDEO)
Joy-Ann Reid, unlike many, did not let a false civility for a Congressman who harmed many prevent her from her job, real journalism.
Chuck Todd scolded Americans for toxicity he and media responsible for (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Once again Chuck Todd created a narrative of false equivalence as he not only equally blamed Democrats and Republicans for the toxicity in our politics, he accused the American citizens. Sadly he forgot that the media is the biggest drug pusher that made both the politicians and […]
CNN Jake Tapper challenged GOP spin on Obama executive order on guns – This is journalism (VIDEO)
Jake Tapper’s interview of Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) is an illustration of good journalism that challenges the spin and misinformation,
David Duke, ex-KKK Leader threatens GOP ‘a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders’
Ex-KKK David Duke came out in defense of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) attending a White Supremacist gathering with a threat to both Democrats and Republicans.