America needs to solve it’s parasitic billionaire problem or our democracy will continue to crash & burn
Fareed Zakaria slams Trump administration for smoke & mirrors budget (VIDEO)
Fareed Zakaria methodically takes down Trump’s budget as he castigates the GOP for ignoring math, science, and facts to govern ideologically with lies.
Don’t take Donald Trump lightly. He could be the economics Ronald Reagan.
Donald Trump could be the next Ronald Reagan. Do not laugh or believe I have lost it. Remember, Donald Trump won the presidency. He is your president.
Bill Maher: Ronald Reagan No Different Than Today’s Tea Party (VIDEO)
Ronald Reagan was Tea Party? Bill Maher started his New Rule with a quote from a Bob Dole interview. Dole said the Republican Party had become a party of idea free ideologues who obstructed too much. He also stated that Ronald Reagan himself could not have made it as a Republican. Bill Maher took exception […]
David Stockman: “get out of the markets and hide out in cash” Corruption Of Capitalism
David Stockman was appointed as Director of the Office of management and Budget (OMB) by President Ronald Reagan. He was committed to the supply-side economics doctrine along with the curtailment of a strong social safety net. Stockman wrote a prescient op-ed in the New York Times today titled “State-Wrecked: The Corruption of Capitalism in America”. […]
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan – Liberals Really Miss You – REALLY!
This week, February 6th was President Ronald Reagans birthday. Reagan was the charge the Conservative Movement needed in the early 1980s. Just like the country’s malaise ushered a Black President into office before many in the country could cope with it, so did the malaise of 1980 usher Conservative Ronald Reagan into office. President Obama […]