Are imperial governance and the related constitutional wreckage taking Texans down a dangerous path to a constitutional crisis?
The elephant in the Texas voting booth that neither party wants to talk about.
The elephant in the Texas voting booth that neither party wants to talk about is the suppression of a plurality of Texas voters. Surprise! There are more non-aligned and independent Texans than Democrats or Republicans.
Water Defenders to the Rescue!
Think about it. Our fearless heroes from have arrived, JUST as Californians and others flood into central Texas, JUST as current Austin residents flee for affordability into eastern counties, JUST as eastern counties’ water is mass conveyed to fuel growth along the IH-35 corridor and the Hill Country!
The rich want to steal our abundant water and then sell it back to us, another economic fraud.
Our economic system transfers your and the masses’ wealth and money to the rich using techniques described here, making water falsely scarce.
President Obama addressed the Flint water lead poisoning in Detroit speech (VIDEO)
Every politician should heed President Obama’s words. While today the problem is water poisoning in Flint, this type of governance affects us all.
Rachel Maddow: This mass poisoning in Flint Michigan should be huge story (VIDEO)
Rachel Maddow is one of a few national journalists giving this story the national exposure it should have. Citizens’ water poisoned to save money.
Detroit resident Atpeace Makita details Detroit’s problems and her hopes going forward
Atpeace Makita, a Detroit resident and activist speaks of going forward On Friday the Detroit citizens protested in downtown near the COBO convention center. They then marched to the renowned Hart Plaza on the riverfront. Netroots Nation 2014 attendees comprised a very large number of the protestors in solidarity with the cause. A few weeks […]
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – How bad reporting hurts people Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Stream Live: – Podcast: This week’s show July 12th, 2014 This week while writing a blog post I was sort of listening to MSNBC. An interview about the water shutoffs in Detroit Michigan ensued. I listened a […]
Detroit activist slams reporter on air for misreporting reasons for water shutoff to thousands
Detroit activist Maureen Taylor gave reporter Hank Winchester a tongue lashing on air that many other reporters deserve for misinforming America.