Republicans are trying to brand every Democrat as a Socialist. It is important that Democrats ignore labels and tell Americans how they will make their lives better.
Neil Aquino: Activist must forward Progressive ideas now to fuel City Council debate
We must put forward progressive, liberal or Democratic Socialist ideas as the 2019 Houston City Council and Mayoral election season gets underway.
A Democratic Socialist’s election in Trump country a lesson for Progressives
Bill Clinton’s DLC missed the point on economic populism. If a Democratic Socialist can win in a place Trump won by 5 points., a reevaluation must occur.
Fox News’ oops moment with guest it thought was anti-socialist (VIDEO)
A Fox News booker / producer may be in trouble after this guest inadvertently educated Fox News viewers on democratic socialism.
Bernie Sanders schooled red-baiting Cooper & Clinton on Democratic Socialism (VIDEO)
Anderson Cooper used a standard red-baiting technique in an attempt to color Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism. Sanders schooled Cooper and Clinton.
Grassroots makes Bernie Sanders viable – Democratic establishment better open their eyes (VIDEO)
The Democratic Party would do well not to attempt to diminish Bernie Sanders’ viability as grassroots say otherwise.
The Rise Of Bernie Sanders Shows Shifting Views on Socialism in America
Bernie Sanders is proving that what the powers thought Americans would do at hearing he is a democratic socialist is not coming through.
Bernie Sanders explains his ‘scary’ Democratic Socialist policies (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders explains his Democratic Socialist polices. I guess it is what most Americans want?